Welcome to our Lewis & Irene feature page.
a fabulous home grown Family business who produce the most delicate but playful of designs. Timeless and Quintessential.
Take a look at the first collection that we have in stock for you.
1st stop - Coronation
Hrmmm, I think there is a certain special something going on next year. Oh yes, King Charles III coronation 6th May 2023.
lewis & Irene has done an amazing job at designing a range of beautiful and Quintessential fabrics that are Defiantly recyclable designs.
see our features below, Snippets of what’s Available.
Lewis and Irene Fabric Feature
Before we stock any fabrics, we like to check out suppliers backgrounds and it was no different for Lewis & Irene. we asked the question…
“ are your fabrics certificated? “ …..and Within a moments notice the brilliant Claire wrote back with this message
“Our textile mill is certified by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition and uses the Higg Index to assess sustainability throughout the supply chain from cotton plant to the mill!
We are proud to say that the mill is also a member of the Better Cotton initiative, a brilliant non-profit organisation working with farming communities, workers and smallholders to improve working conditions, tackle inequality and provide sustainable cotton to our mills.
We are OEKO-Tex and EN71-3 certified. “
We feel confident that when you buy Lewis & Irene from our shop that you are getting Quality, moral and a sustainable product.
why wouldn’t you buy Lewis & Irene!
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.